Wednesday 24 April 2013

Pre-travel and Arrival in Sri Lanka

So after a good start before the crazy packing day on Thursday (left Stoke and Friarswood Road at around 2am).

My friends Deborah (GP registrar) has very kindly to agreed to come and give me some last minute things for my elective and then went off home with more than she came back...

Last minute and everything but I realise the day after that I had lost my wallet- which included ALL my debit/credit and other cards- mad rush to try and find, in the midst of shopping for the trip for the first time.  My card was eventually found by Debs.

My dad listened in to all our conversations as always but anyhoo- that was a crisis averted -

up to when my mom in the midst of my packing found my debit card statement for my tithing money I gave St George.

So anyhoo, Debs arrived to bring my stuff all the way from Birmingham- the day I was due to go.  Hope she had a nice time meeting everyone- even though it was really rushed.  It certainly was crazy.

I wont bore you with the flight and so forth but to the important bit: THE ARRIVAL.

Arrived in Sri Lanka with no problems- thank God.  I was greeted by my 2nd aunt(really complicated genealogy here) but she is my 'mammy'- the Tamils out there will know what I mean. I am staying with her daughter(+husband, and 2 children).

They were very welcoming.  I have my own room upstairs and bathroom.  The room is HUGE and there is really good internet access- which I have finally got round to setting up.

The weather is the hottest it has ever  been but strangely I rather like it- whilst even the locals are sweltering away.

My first day has been great.  Not done much except sleep a lot.  Did I mention I arrived with practically no clothes(long story)? - I was too tired to shop locally, but this could be a problem if it is not sorted out soon.

Thankfully, however, my aunt came to my rescue there and took me shopping (the shops here- all of them, close ludicrously late). So I napped till 6pm- and it was already dark outside, but the town (Dehiwela- district outside Colombo).  The sizing were all different, and I- a size 12 btw- fit into an XXL- feel kind of offended, not ever been bothered much with clothes however.

Anyhoo by the time we returned home, I was exhausted- and I have an early start tomorrow.

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