Sunday 5 May 2013

Pray for Sri Lanka + Week 2 update

Apologies for the lack of more recent news.

So last Sunday, after much upheaval I managed to get to Church.  This was a Methodist church nearby- got there by rickshaw(or tuktuk as there are known here)  The services are all held in the three main languages.  Got there for 8.45am (ludicrously early- but normal here, to avoid the midday heat).

The church is I'd say a fairly normal Methodist church.  We sang many traditional hymns as well as some more modern ones (I have to say that I was relieved about that- the older hymns that were chosen for this week were well hard- felt really sorry for the men trying to reach those notes)

Either way I really enjoyed my first service in Sri Lanka :D  Really enjoyed the preaching- which is what I wanted to expend more about today.

The sermon today was about reconciliation- the Church's view of what it means- and Sri Lanka's government.  I must say I was surprised to have a sermon of a political slant on my first ever day.  This made me painfully aware that despite my current problem free trip in Sri Lanka- this country still has many problems.

There are some increasing problems towards the Church, especially in the Southern parts- which is more Sinhalese based and unfortunately also were some of the more extremist Sinhalese groups have started targeting churches.

Something very similar to the situation in China is playing out.  China will soon have an increasing influence as well due to strong ties forming following its help during the civil war.

Many southern churches have been forced to shut down, unless they were officially 'registered'- this means people cannot meet as non-family members to pray without this being considered a 'religious meeting'.  I am unaware as to the extent of this problem. But Christians and Muslims being the minority religious groups have become increasingly targeted especially in the more rural parts.  This of course like much Christian persecution is not reported in the mainstream media.  The problem is currently just simmering but like most things in Sri Lanka, it will not take much for things to get out of hand quickly- especially for riots to spread in Colombo especially.

I was painfully aware as I sat in Church, that more than any other time in my life, I was in danger from simply being in a church building.  I was also surprised by the incredible boldness of the message preached.  Whilst I did not agree on some points, the preacher did emphasise that the Gospel is what will bring true salvation to our country.  Being in the midst of a united Sri Lanka- with both Sinhalese and Tamil speakers in Church- made that especially apparent.  He emphasised the need for individual groups to reach out to the 'opposite side'.  Too often the church here, he says, has become very dormant and inactive in the face of persecution.

I have realised that there is still a huge amount of healing needed for our Christian brothers and sisters here, but also among the diaspora. In Sri Lanka, a 'Tamil' or 'Sinhalese' church is unheard of.  The churches may have different services but people generally worship as part of one congregation.  Some churches have made the unifying decision of having one service in all languages(one being translated vice versa).  Unfortunately this is very often not the case abroad.  This artificial division means that the prejudices of each side are transported within the church itself.  This cannot be let to be so.  Not only this but the attitudes are transplanted into the next generation. Many of which such as myself, have not had much experience from their home country except what they have been told by their parents and relatives.

With the increasing amount of violence amongst young Tamil and Sinhalese boys in the form of gang crime across London and other capital cities, it is imperative that the Church abroad takes the same unified stand against this.  Many of you know that last year, one of my friends' brother was killed in such an accident.  The church has to be salt and light in this situation.

There is a huge amount of prayer, forgiveness and healing that is needed with regards to this.

On a positive note, churches here are increasingly thriving.  Revival is definitely happening in Sri Lanka.  Newer evangelical churches are appearing all over the place, and evangelical crusades are seeing thousands being healed and coming to faith.

Churches in Sri Lanka have always been very traditional and whilst this new surge is welcomed- there is a great deal of suspicion as well.  The country is very open to people feeling prey to 'mixture' in terms of what they are getting preached.

Please pray for the discernment and wisdom of the Christian leaders in the country, as well as for unity among all denominations.  Pray for revival to continue but also for all ground that has been claimed to be built on and established. Please pray for people to get access to worship and other equipment.

Above all, pray for the protection of the congregation in the Churches here, but also for boldness in preaching the gospel.  Pray that the authorities in charge will not hinder but help the church here grow.

In Christ.

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