Sunday 12 May 2013

Week 3- Update

Happy Ascension Sunday and International Mother's Day 2013!

Quick (as much as I can be :P) update:

So I have spent this past week at Lanka Hospital (formerly Apollo hospital).  I would write a more specific post later.  But to summarise, this is a semi-privatised government hospital.  I have been working in many different specialty  including Paediatrics and Radiology- both of which I have really enjoyed :D  A lot of Tamil patients also come to this hospital from all over the country- so I have been able to take a history for the first time, and get some really great teaching. 

Out-of-hospital- I have been to my first Healthcare Fellowship meeting yesterday :D  I met all the doctors I have been in contact with who have helped me set up this elective.  I had a really great time.  I've been reading a book by TL Osborn about Healing the Sick- and I was very encouraged to hear one of the doctors speak about an amazing full healing  she has had, whilst unknowingly applying the steps he talked of.  I felt very encouraged.

I have now 1 more week at the government hospital and then I'm due to start at Navajeevana East, the week after.  I have been told it should be more flexible timewise.  So Ill be attending the Christian Medical Student Conference then too- located three hours away in Kandy.  Im hoping to spend some time working at a more rural hospital there- who is a Christian Paediatrician.

Currently need to ensure that my VISA  is renewed without any problems- slightly concerned it is  not sorting itself at quickly as I want.

I'm generally happy so far.  I'm very frustrated that I have not been able to see any of the sights since I have been here.  My aunt and uncle have small children(5 and 10) and either way I feel bad asking from them, considering they are letting me stay at their house for free- which is saving me a lot of money.
I've started to be bored for the first time in the entire trip.  Seems you can only stay in a city for so long before the shiny newness of it start to wear off.  This is not helped that everybody is like 'you've been in Sri Lanka 3 weeks and you have not gone to see ANYTHING yet??' and to be fair to them, in comparison to what a lot of students do whilst in Sri Lanka- I really have not done any travelling.  
I'm much more confident travelling on tuktuks(rickshaws) on my own, and using the bus myself.  Unfortunately, I feel incredibly restricted by my relatives here and my parents especially are not helping.  

I am actually enjoying my time here, I'm trying very hard not to micromanage everything and trust God.  God willing by next week I will have seen more than just the house and Colombo.  I'd also really like to learn Sinhalese, but have no one to teach me.  

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